Who are you? What is your emotion meter reading right now? Are you hopeful,anxious, sad, dejected, guilty, distracted, insecure, uncertain, broken, delighted, ashamed, worried or doubtful?
Let's start this Newsletter Series by answering the questions above.
Who are you?
You are not your emotions, neither are you your feelings. Like the popular saying; Emotion is a good follower but a bad leader, meaning you shouldn't allow your emotions to lead you however, your emotions can be a good signal in diagnosing your current state, show your feelings or how you have harnessed it.
It is important to reckon that you have your soul which is the generating house of emotions. It is normal for human beings to emote, being numb or emotionless is not the Creator's design. In attempt for people to cope with emotional crisis, trauma, pain and stress they have resulted into numbness.
Emotions are beautiful especially positive ones!
"Feelings are something you have; not something you are."- Shannon L. Alder
You are wonderfully and beautifully created, you have a mind that thinks and a soul where your will and creativity is housed.
What are emotions?
Emotions are reaction that human being experience in response to events, circumstances or situations.
Emotions are feedback and might not give an accurate definition of you, they express how you feel or what's going on within you. So you, understand the saying that emotions are bad leaders but good followers.
There are categories of emotions that can be felt such as deep sadness, happiness, fear, anxiety, disgust, anger, surprise and so many others.
Feelings and emotions sound alike but are different; Emotions are responses to situations while feelings are what we experience as a result of emotions. Trust me, emotions can be so powerful and intense! What you feel is now dependent on your perception of emotions(it varies for individuals)
While we are not diving into categories of emotion or the types of emotion(Positive and negative emotions), it is important to understand your emotions and take account of what you are feeling because it helps in finding the root cause of deep emotional wounds, pain or stress as the case may be.
You have to pay keen attention to you!
Just as symptoms help diagnose a disease, your emotional symptoms can help diagnose your emotional state.
However, let's focus on your healing even as we give tips relating to your emotional wellness.
Take this short questions:
( Take a journal or your note pad to document this)
1. What is my emotional metre reading right now?
Joyfulness, Sadness, Deep pain, Stress, Overwhelm, Fear, Anger, Guilt, Shame, deep sorrow, frustration, distress etc.
2. How has this affected my day-to-day activities?
(On a scale of 1-10)
3. What are the other associated symptoms, I have noticed in the last 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months in my behavior as a result of this feeling?
4. Have I been experiencing muddled thinking, poor judgement, loneliness, clumsiness, irritability, indecision, sleep disorders because of this?
5. What are the thoughts that have been consistent in my mind any time I experience these symptoms?
6. What are the triggers to this symptoms?
7. What are the things that can help control the triggers?
Your Healing Wonder Tips:
1. Answer the questions above
2. Know your symptoms and what heals you.
3. Take to someone about it. Fresh Spring Hub is more than willing to help you become stable. Stay glued to the newsletters.
4. Pray about it and ask God for help to stay whole and heal your pains.
5. Take your declarations daily.
6. Journal and keep record of your experience.
7. Have your toolbox of techniques in managing future occurrences.
8. Learn from the experience and move on.
Stay wholesome,
Boluwatife Ogunniyi
(Team Lead, Fresh spring Hub)